Marc My Word

For a technical ride that will get your adrenaline going, Marc My Word is a great trail that has a variety of challenges. It drops over 130m of elevation in roughly 1,100m of length, and crams many rock rolls and drops among several wooden structures and techy xc-like sections between. You’ll feel like you’re in the heart of cougar country as you head towards the granite whaleback ridges, passing steep granite walls along the way. Overall, the trail is slow-going with rooty flatter parts, and some speed control is needed on the descents while weaving your way around difficult turns. Most granite rolls are non-optional, so stop to check them out for the best line down. The only way to the bottom of the wooden ramp is straight down it, so you’ll have to walk your bike around if you aren’t feeling it that day.

To access Marc My Word, take Entrails past the large pond and follow up the hill until the last switchback turn. The entrance to Marc My Word is here on the left. The trail spits out onto Mashiter, near the bottom of Treasure Trail and Rupert. Turn left onto Mashiter to head towards Tracks From Hell or The Corners. Turning right onto Mashiter will lead you to Rollercoaster or back to the pavement at Perth Drive.

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optional lines of the first drop

first rock roll with a sharp turn at the bottom
looking straight down at the wooden ramp ahead

granite whaleback
stump jump
4 lines to choose from, including an easy route around the rock rolls

narrow, winding boardwalk over a fallen tree

final rock roll
optional route over the log where you’ll pick up some speed
at the end of the log, better jump towards the left

final section
spitting out onto Mashiter

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